Intro to this blog!

As a transplant resident of Picayune, MS I have observed since we arrived in this area in June, 2006 that there are many people throughout this city and its surrounding communities who are strong in the Lord. As I've asked the Lord to show me something I could do to reach out to others I've had a strong leading to begin this blog. Also in the past few weeks Picayune's local newspaper has included some writings as to why people live in Picayune and what this city means to them. My goal here is to allow as many as would like, to share their love for the city and to blog why they think 'Jesus Is Lord Over Picayune, MS'. Come back often and see what kind of responses we get. This is an exciting adventure for me and I really do hope you'll enjoy participating. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Please follow this blog and suggest your friends also do so. Thank you and may the Lord give you eyes to see as the Lord sees His desire for this city!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I had a Dream last night....


Tori McKay is a strong Christian young lady who lives her life for the Lord as out loud as she does every other area of life.  A freshman in Jr. College, active in life and in her church here in the City of Picayune. 
I had a dream last night & in my dream, this is what I was saying to a big crowd:

 "Right here, wherever your feet are, wherever your feet touch, this is your battle ground. Put on your armor (eph 6:10-19) & prepare! The war has been won, but the battles are just beginning! Stand up for your brothers & sisters, intercede for your friends, claim your school! Stand up, throw on your armor, cast all your anxiety on God (1 Peter 5:7), and fight! He is worth it! The broken are worth it. The lost are worth it! The damned are worth it! Do not lay dormant. RISE! Make a noise! Make a difference! Make disciples! Christianity is not something you can simply say yet not act out! If you have been saved by the grace of God, your heart should be so radically changed that you can't help feeling peace through this storm, you can't help but bring Him up in every conversation, you can't help but weep over the broken around you, you can't help falling recklessly in love with Jesus! You cannot help but be a leader & an example! You cannot help being so altered that there is no trace of your old self left! Put on your armor daily, pick up your cross daily, accept the gift daily, accept His grace daily, accept His mercy daily. He loves & is love, and His love is so patient with us, so gracious, so tender, so strong, so upholding, so forgiving! He has called us to be sons & daughters, to walk down a path of righteousness! He took our shame to that cross, He took our broken hearts to that cross, He brought our condemnation to that cross, He took our sins to that cross! He took them to hell so that we wouldn't have to, & when He conquered hell, that's where He left them! He is more than worthy, & now we can be too. We were worth dying for, we were worth EVERYTHING in the eyes of Jesus! We no longer have to be ashamed, bound, broken or victimized. We can be free, with a peace & knowledge of who our Daddy is & how good He is! We must rise up as an army! Declare His goodness to the nations, to the damned & the broken! We must come together with the angels & rise up as an army, we must pick up our armor, & we must fight the good fight! Let the sound of our praise be the anthem! ❤